Pilot whales, Bottlenose dolphins, Spotted dolphin, Beaked whale
We have recently seen the following whale and dolphin species on our whale watching tours off La Gomera:
- Pilot whales (Indian pilot whales)
- Bottlenose dolphins
- Atlantic spotted dolphin
- Beaked whale (unidentified)
The weather in November was quite unsettled at times. Wind, rain and waves showed that we were in the middle of autumn.
Nevertheless, the bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales rewarded us with beautiful moments and the spotted dolphins actually made an appearance again after a long time.
On the last day of November, during our morning tour, we were able to spot a beaked whale for a brief moment despite the wind and waves. However, it only appeared briefly once and then disappeared again.
Something quite unusual: a brown gannet (coming from the Pacific) accompanied us on our boat as we left. After circling us twice, it sat down on the bow and rested there for an hour. We were able to admire it from up close and it seemed to enjoy it.
The sighting rate for the whole month was 94%.
Fotos: Noel Covián, OCEANO Archiv