We go to the whales & dolphins every day from Sunday to Thursday Book here!


The dedicated team at Oceano enjoys encounters with free-living dolphins and whales. We love to show other people these wonderful marine animals and we love to stand up for the incredibly complex and important ecosystem of the sea.

„We are guests on a blue planet, the planet of the oceans – with OCEANO I would like to contribute to the fact that we humans remember this and act accordingly.“


Our boss of the technical department and guide on board.

„The sea – the best place to work I can imagine. Soothing and exciting at the same time and always good for a surprise.


Always has a plan, gives lectures and knows all about orcas and the sea…

„Just as important to me as being at out sea watching whales and dolphins is the work to protect these wonderful creatures. This is why I have been involved in the protection of whales and dolphins professionally and on a voluntary basis for many years.“


Our Guide…

„Fascination Sea….for me…..experiencing, meeting, researching, respecting, learning, communicating, loving and dreaming.”


Marine biologist, guide on board, guided excursions to the tide pools.

There’s hardly a better place on earth to connect to the ocean than La Gomera. While in the North, the wild ocean is battering against an enormous cliff, Valle Gran Rey is protected from the winds on the leeward side of the island, with good opportunities to swim and dive all year long. And during low tide, the wild, rocky coast turns out to be a rocky reef with natural pools inhabited by a great variety of surprising creatures. On top of that, whales and dolphins are so close…


It would be a pleasure to introduce you to the secrets and needs of this habitat!


Our captain…

„Desde el ruido imperceptible
de tu salto,
hasta el fondo abisal
de tu pulmón,
dejas tras de ti la huella
del que juega.

La prueba de la felicidad,
momentos de calma y ternura
sobre la mar,
momentos de brío y lucha
sin cesar,
profundos suspiros
al pensar.
Salinos y terrenos
bravos y juguetones,
de bailes y sonidos
voces y chasquidos,
de las pasiones
de la mar.

Del fin al inicio
hasta el final
surcaréis la mar
vuestra mar“